Trends from E-Commerce to Social Commerce

Few years ago trend was online business, e-commerce (Electronic Commerce). People are being closer due to social media. People are going to share product to their friend. And slowly and gradually the time change and trends come for social commerce. E-commerce that Social Media that support or assist to buying and selling of online products.
Social Media is playing very important role to boost sales and revenue for ecommerce industries.
Pinterest launch “Buy It” button and Instagram also expand their ad program, also, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube made their site to ecommerce friendly by adding buy button or do changes in ad program.
  • Social commerce help to engage customer with companies brand
  • Send traffic to company website.
  • It provide platform for customer to discussed about products
From small business to retail brand, in last 2-3 years they get more traffic than any other online store/channel and that’s why Social Commerce will change the scenario of online market.
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