Easy Way to Get Ranking in Search Engine

You are going to start new business and want to sell your products or services with new concept and launch new website. As anybody thing you also thinking that your site will be done with creative design and with new concept service/product and your site will have most visitor. Also you will get rank for your website.
How all the things will be possible and how you will do it? This is the question will popup in your mind.
Is it possible that your new website will be get ranking on the first page of Google in few weeks?
In market you will get many offers for SEO that your website will be ranking on first page of Google in few weeks. But today, the scenario of SEO will be changes.
There is way to reached on first page of Google but you have to follow below things for that.
Choose Website CMS
The foundation to reach on first page of Google you need to have good website using good CMS (Content Management System).
If anyone asking me for CMS, I prefer WordPress. Because WordPress is most popular CMS in world. WordPress is simple, customizable and most important things that WordPress provides great platform for SEO.
There are many themes available for WordPress but choose mobile friendly theme for your site.
Keyword, is the most important things for SEO. You have to know for that kind of product or services you are going to sell and find it appropriate keyword for your business.
You can use or get help from Google Webmaster Tools for that. Now a days long tail keyword is most preferable for your site.
Indexing your site
If your site is not ready then don’t allow searching engine to indexing it. Create robot.txt and tell to search engine for not crawl your site. And when your site is ready then let search engine to crawl.
Good and Fresh Content
Content is the heart of your site. You have to create lots of content and also most important things are that your content is fresh and don’t try to copy or auto generated content.
Some times what happened that your site is not recognize by searching engine until it was not recognized by users. Google have many factor to check to rank your website. But one of those factor is that how many user click from search engine result page. More user clicking from search engine result page will improve your ranking.
If you have high rank then you will be on first page of search engine and get clicking from visitors.
You need to promote site in following way
  • Email Marketing
  • Facebook ads, promote your post
  • Posting in Twitter
  • G+ Posting
  • LinkedIn Posting
  • Posting your Image in Pinterest
To get ranking in search engine is not complicated but people does not want to do hard work and as per search engine algorithm
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