Simple Theory to Stop Losing Your Followers at Social Media

This morning, you logged into your company account and find that your are losing number of followers from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc . Don’t worry here are simple theory to stop losing your followers at social media.
Avoid habit as describe here if you want to keep and increase your followers.
Be Friend of your followers
At your dashboard of your social media naturally you are talking about you and your product. At every time if you talking about you and your services then it will be hemorrhaging for your followers
As you are interested in you and your product, just think your followers also interested in themselves and try to help them. If you don’t think about your followers problem then someone other will listen them and help them. By these way you will lost your audience.
Don’t post frequently
If you post your product frequently at social media then time come from your followers or fans to ignore your post.
If your followers will post frequently, you feel or think to stop following.
It is good to post relevant product at proper time at social media and if possible post once or twice in a day.
Repeated same post
When you are at social media you are thinking that your post has been not seeing your some of followers. So you have to post same thing again. In a day you are doing same thing 3 to 4 times.
By this your followers start to thinking that you have no creativity, don’t have much content. Your repeated post will spoil your impression and that will have much chance for your followers to stop you following.
Social Media is the place where you can find and engage the people. They can understand your product that you have developed, they are also spread your product.
For your boost your business you have to share relevant updates so your followers, fans can share or spread your product content.
Be sure you that you are on right track and engage your followers with meaningful and productive content.
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