iPhones may feature OLED displays by 2017

Apple may be planning to introduce iPhones with OLED displays in 2017. According to a news report by Nikkei, Apple had earlier planned to use the displays by 2018 or 2019, but the company now plans to ship OLED iPhones by next year. In addition, it was earlier suggested that Apple was planning to introduce iPhones with a curved OLED display. However, this report claims that the company will not be introducing the curved design, as it is introducing the displays sooner than expected.
Back in December 2015, Apple had reportedly been in touch with LG Display Co. Ltd. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. to manufacture OLED displays for upcoming iPhones. As per the report, the three companies were in the final phase of signing the deal and added that LG and Samsung were planning a capital expenditure of around KRW 15 trillion. There were also reports that Apple may be working on OLED and micro-LED technology in its new laboratory in Taiwan. It was suggested that the company is developing flexible OLEDs for use in iPhones and iPads. The laboratory is also tipped to be developing micro-LED displays.
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