How to Make YouTube Videos Load Faster (Buffer Videos Faster)

So, here is the part which consist your solution and going to make you learn that, “How to make YouTube Videos load faster?” You are supposed to use Chrome Extension or Firefox add-on to buffer videos faster of YouTube for yourselves. The complete and detailed steps are as follows:
  • First of Download SmartVideo for YouTube extension or add-on for your browsers by referring these links: Google Chrome Extension Or Firefox Add-On
  • Ones it is installed, then play any video on YouTube and then you’ll be able to see some additional options under your playing video
  • Afterwards, you need to Click on Global Preferences from right side under your playing video
  • Then, Check mark the Smart Buffer Box
  • Now, it will force buffer your YouTube video
  • This was it!


The SmartVideo for YouTube is an effective and awesome solution for slow internet connection holders to load their videos faster. We are sure that you’ve successfully learned that, “How to make YouTube Videos Load Faster?” However, if you are recording any kind of problem while applying these steps, then do let us know. We shall try to get back to your queries as soon as possible.

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